

Simonetti Studio opened in 1999 when Carlo Simonetti, after thirty years of art and creative direction in several advertising agencies decides to create his own start up. The term studio was adopted to keep alive the tradition of the creative shop, giving its best in projects requiring accuracy, dedication, and a great level of operative flexibility.

The current work group is extraordinarly united and reactive. Shaped by long nights and weekends of work and ready to measure up to the most various requests in a remarkable short time.

Simonetti Studio can also rely on a talent-tank of professionals(research institutes, media consultants, illustrators, photographers, press offices and public relations, production and post-production studios, music composers and recording studios), that allow the agency to model its operations on the requirements of the client, assembling the team around the project instead of adapting the project to the resources available.

The net of collaborators is enriched every year by new young talents, influenced by new technologies, bringers of new and fresh ideas.

Carlo Simonetti
Creative Director | Founder
Milva Tasinato
Erik Gillo
Video & Web Specialist
Giulia Richetta
Art Director
Valter Berardi
Francesca Sardigna
Art Director
Susan Tonso
Art Director Junior
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